The Exquisite Torture Of Sergei Polunin

itinerant balletomane reviews young sergei

One of the very first videos I ever made for Sergei. At the time, all I knew about him was his unhappiness at a particular time in his life. He has since emerged from those shadows and continues to dazzle the world gloriously. ~ “This video is about ballet dancer […]

Sergei IS Spartacus

being spartacus

Spartacus… and oft times, Crassus. Sergei Polunin / Сергей Полунин “He Is Spartacus” (and oft times Crassus). He brings the Russian ballet roaring to life. Spartacus, The Story Act I Scene 1 – Invasion The military machine of imperial Rome, led by Crassus, wages a cruel campaign of conquest, destroying […]

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